React data fetching with RxJS
Data fetching with React offers a wide selection of tools to do the job, from simple promises, to more sophisticated
caching libraries like react-query and swr. With a
plethora of options, developers have their choice of favorite fetching tools to get the job done and make our
applications performant on all fronts. As an Angular developer, I make heavy usage of RxJS
where I can, and luckily Angular treats the library as a first class citizen with many Angular internals (router
events, the HttpClient
, etc.), making use of Observables
to stream data in a reactive way.
Lately, however, I've taken the React-fork-in-the-road and have been experimenting with data fetching tools and
hooks for the React/next.js applications I've been working on. While, again, there are many tools that solve the
problem of data fetching and mutation made by people much, much smarter than myself, I was looking to integrate
RxJS into the tools I use for such a task. What I found, coincidentally, was the perfect marriage between my data
fetching library of choice, Vercel's swr (a gift from the folks behind next.js), and
-based Observables
While we can likely expect subscriptions to data sources from swr
sometime soon, I've found the utility offered by RxJS allows for incredible control over emissions of stream data to
subscribers that I would prefer not to give up, if given the chance. While I'll definitely experiment with
subscriptions coming to swr, I decided to sandbox around with RxJS, next.js, and swr to see what was currently
possible with data fetching using Observables
- what I found was quite interesting.
Starting with tradition
To keep things simple, I'll run through four scenarios using a sample next.js application:
- SSR with traditional promises
- SSR with
- SSR with RxJS
- CSR with RxJS
Okay, timeout. SSR? CSR?
- SSR - Server-side rending (or prerendering), the act of rendering the template data into said template on the server before handing it back to the client. In essence, retrieving all the necessary data for an HTML page then rendering said data in the markup and handing it back to the browser.
- CSR - Client-side rendering, the act of rending template data after the route has been served to/rendered by the client, or simply making our calls to fetch data after the markup is rendered, which we'll update once the data has been fetched.
Within the context of next.js, what this means is that we'll have three separate page routes that will invoke
to fetch data for our page before serving it up to the client. This content is rendered on the
server, meaning the client receives a ready-to-go HTML document with all the appropriate data already in markup.
In our CSR scenario, we'll utilize swr
as a data fetching hook to retrieve data for us once the page has been served,
where our fetching will happen once the page loads, meaning there will be two renders: one on page load, and again
once the data is available and the render hook forces a re-render of the page.
There's one glaring question we should probably take a crack at answering before going further: why use RxJS in the first place?
RxJS in a nutshell
Coming from the Angular world, devs have more than likely been heavily exposed to RxJS due to the
framework's tight integration with the library. RxJS implements, more or less, the publisher/subscriber pattern (or
pub/sub for short) to allow subscribers of publishers to tune into essential streams of data they may be
interested in. In plain english, instead of asking for some work to be done with the Promise
of it completing sometime
in the near future and await
ing the data's arrival, we listen in on select streams of data that emit things we're
interested in as
they happen -
we're simply reacting to data as it's published through the stream. In code:
import { interval, take } from 'rxjs'
import { finalize } from 'rxjs/operators'
const dataSource$ = interval(1000)
finalize(() => console.log('data captured!'))
* Output:
* 0
* 1
* 2
* 3
* 4
* data captured!
Without going too deep into RxJS operators (the official documentation does a better job than I could ever do at
explaining operator functions), we have a source of data, dataSource$
, that emits numbers every frame for 1000
frame, with a frame in this context being one second. We're .subscribe
ing to those emissions, take
ing only the
first five, then closing our stream to listen as
we're only interested in the five emissions. Our dataSource$
in this case is an Observerable
, a foundational
construct in pub/sub that is the publishing source for subscribers. With RxJS, Observable
s are just streams, and
won't begin emitting data until a subscriber, well, .subscribe()
s to the stream.
Within the scope of this article, we're barely scraping the surface of what RxJS is capable of and what benefits it may offer over more traditional data flow models in our code. I'll leave it to the RxJS experts to speak on the intricacies of the library as we'll mainly be focusing on fetching data within the context of RxJS.
Getting started
Okay, enough talk. Let's code! For our demo, we'll tap into the amazing GitHub API to explore repositories. I've spun up a simple next.js app:
npx create-next-app@latest --ts react-rxjs-data-fetching-demo
I'm using next.js in this case as we want to showcase data fetching in both the CSR and SSR contexts. Everything we'll do within the scope of this blog post is similarly applicable to your average react project. With our project scaffolded, let's add a few dependencies:
npm install swr rxjs
I'm partial to swr for data fetching, and you're more than welcome to use your own hook fetching library. I've also
added Tailwind out of habit in order to make things not look like a webpage from 1995.
With our dependencies installed, let's add a page for our first scenario: SSR with the tried-and-true
-based data fetching:
import { GetServerSideProps, NextPage } from 'next'
import { useEffect } from 'react'
import { githubBaseUrl } from '../lib/constants'
import { GitHubRepoMeta, WithFetcherProps } from '../lib/types'
import { mapRepos } from '../lib/utilities'
export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps = async () => {
const mappedGitHubRepos = await fetch(githubBaseUrl, {
headers: {
Authorization: `token ${process.env.GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN}`,
.then((response) => response.json())
.catch((error) => {
return [] as GitHubRepoMeta[]
return {
props: {
const WithPromises: NextPage<WithFetcherProps> = ({ mappedGitHubRepos }) => {
useEffect(() => console.log(mappedGitHubRepos), [mappedGitHubRepos])
return (
<h2 className="text-2xl">
Number of repos: {mappedGitHubRepos.length}
export default WithPromises
I've added a few things to help us along the way underneath the lib
export const githubBaseUrl =
import { GitHubReposApiResponse } from './types'
export function mapRepos(repos: GitHubReposApiResponse[]) {
return => ({
forks: repo.forks_count,
stars: repo.stargazers_count,
interface Owner {
login: string
id: number
node_id: string
avatar_url: string
gravatar_id: string
url: string
html_url: string
followers_url: string
following_url: string
gists_url: string
starred_url: string
subscriptions_url: string
organizations_url: string
repos_url: string
events_url: string
received_events_url: string
type: string
site_admin: boolean
interface Permissions {
admin: boolean
maintain: boolean
push: boolean
triage: boolean
pull: boolean
export interface GitHubReposApiResponse {
id: number
node_id: string
name: string
full_name: string
private: boolean
owner: Owner
html_url: string
description: string
fork: boolean
url: string
forks_url: string
keys_url: string
collaborators_url: string
teams_url: string
hooks_url: string
issue_events_url: string
events_url: string
assignees_url: string
branches_url: string
tags_url: string
blobs_url: string
git_tags_url: string
git_refs_url: string
trees_url: string
statuses_url: string
languages_url: string
stargazers_url: string
contributors_url: string
subscribers_url: string
subscription_url: string
commits_url: string
git_commits_url: string
comments_url: string
issue_comment_url: string
contents_url: string
compare_url: string
merges_url: string
archive_url: string
downloads_url: string
issues_url: string
pulls_url: string
milestones_url: string
notifications_url: string
labels_url: string
releases_url: string
deployments_url: string
created_at: Date
updated_at: Date
pushed_at: Date
git_url: string
ssh_url: string
clone_url: string
svn_url: string
homepage: string
size: number
stargazers_count: number
watchers_count: number
language: string
has_issues: boolean
has_projects: boolean
has_downloads: boolean
has_wiki: boolean
has_pages: boolean
forks_count: number
mirror_url?: any
archived: boolean
disabled: boolean
open_issues_count: number
license?: any
allow_forking: boolean
is_template: boolean
topics: string[]
visibility: string
forks: number
open_issues: number
watchers: number
default_branch: string
permissions: Permissions
temp_clone_token: string
allow_squash_merge: boolean
allow_merge_commit: boolean
allow_rebase_merge: boolean
allow_auto_merge: boolean
delete_branch_on_merge: boolean
allow_update_branch: boolean
network_count: number
subscribers_count: number
export interface GitHubRepoMeta {
name: string
stars: number
forks: number
export interface WithFetcherProps {
mappedGitHubRepos: GitHubRepoMeta[]
Breaking it down:
is just a constant string, update it with your GitHub username -
will house some common mapping/retrieving functions to be reused amongst components and pages -
houses all the type information we expect back from the API and the prop shapes our pages will expect
Before you ask, no, I didn't manually write out the interface for the GitHub API response, I
used json2ts to quickly model out the response object to TypeScript based on the JSON data
from calling my username repo endpoint. We also explicitly type our page props using WithFetchProps
for sanity.
You can use InferGetServerSidePropsType
from next.js, but I find intellisense from VS Code lacking so I swapped
out my own type.
Jumping back to with-promises.tsx
, let's take a look at our fetcher function responsible for getting the data our
template will rely on:
export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps = async () => {
const mappedGitHubRepos = await fetch(githubBaseUrl, {
headers: {
Authorization: `token ${process.env.GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN}`,
.then((response) => response.json())
.catch((error) => {
return [] as GitHubRepoMeta[]
return {
props: {
We're utilizing next.js's mechanism
for server-side data fetching
with getServerSideProps
, simply calling out to the GH
API endpoint for our repositories, streaming the JSON response, and mapping the response to a simple object for our
page to display while appropriately handling any errors that may occur. While this suffices for our need to retrieve
data, we're using promise resolution in its most primitive form. I'm still await
the promise to resolve itself
before returning the props data back to the page, as promises are asynchronous and will jump to the next resolution
scope whenever they can, so we need to block the next lines of code execution until our promise has fully been
I'm sure we've all
seen a Promise
handled the
traditional way before, and after having used RxJS for a number of years now, I'm going to say something rather
controversial: I prefer .then()/.catch()
over try
*pauses for gasps*.
Okay, this is fine, but what about using try
with a few more async
s sprinkled in?
import { GetServerSideProps, InferGetServerSidePropsType, NextPage } from 'next'
import { useEffect } from 'react'
import { githubBaseUrl } from '../lib/constants'
import {
} from '../lib/types'
import { mapRepos } from '../lib/utilities'
export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps = async () => {
let mappedGitHubRepos: GitHubRepoMeta[] = []
try {
const response = await fetch(githubBaseUrl, {
headers: {
Authorization: `token ${process.env.GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN}`,
const githubRepos: GitHubReposApiResponse[] = await response.json()
mappedGitHubRepos = mapRepos(githubRepos)
} catch (error: any) {
return {
props: {
const WithTryCatch: NextPage<WithFetcherProps> = ({ mappedGitHubRepos }) => {
useEffect(() => console.log(mappedGitHubRepos), [mappedGitHubRepos])
return (
<h2 className="text-2xl">
Number of repos: {mappedGitHubRepos.length}
export default WithTryCatch
Again, not much change from using promises, as all we've done is throw in a try
block and an extra await
to read the JSON stream from the API response before mapping to the expected type our page expects. Nothing out of
the ordinary, and in fact, we may be able to argue this is the most common convention amongst data fetching
functions in react projects, though I'll leave that for a debate topic on a rainy day.
Okay, great... we're not breaking new ground here, just fetching data for a page to render like we've been doing for years. Let's finally break the mold.
Reactive react
Alright, let's finally integrate a little RxJS into one of our pages. Let's add a new page and render, again, the same data from the same GH API endpoint:
import { GetServerSideProps, NextPage } from 'next'
import { useEffect } from 'react'
import { githubBaseUrl } from '../lib/constants'
import { WithFetcherProps } from '../lib/types'
import { fetchFirstReposValue } from '../lib/utilities'
export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps = async () => ({
props: {
mappedGitHubRepos: await fetchFirstReposValue(githubBaseUrl),
} as WithFetcherProps,
const WithRxJS: NextPage<WithFetcherProps> = ({ mappedGitHubRepos }) => {
useEffect(() => console.log(mappedGitHubRepos), [mappedGitHubRepos])
return (
<h2 className="text-2xl">
Number of repos: {mappedGitHubRepos.length}
export default WithRxJS
With fetchFirstReposValue
coming from our utilities
// ...other stuff
export function fetchRepos(key: string): Observable<GitHubRepoMeta[]> {
return fromFetch<GitHubReposApiResponse[]>(key, {
headers: {
Authorization: `token ${
process.env.GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN ??
selector: (response) => response.json(),
catchError((error) => {
return EMPTY
export function fetchFirstReposValue(key: string) {
return firstValueFrom(fetchRepos(key))
Okay, hold on - why are we still await
ing something after we just went through a primer about how awesome RxJS is?
Well, we're still technically utilizing RxJS, however, our purpose is one time data fetching: we need data for the
page to be rendered, that's it. No subscribers, open observable streams, or anything else reactive about
reactive JS (hence the Rx in RxJS). So why the heck don't we just stick to our good ole fashioned Promises
fromFetch<T> to the rescue
The beauty of RxJS data fetching comes from the relatively new API fromFetch<T>
, which in facts takes the
returned from
the native fetch
API, and turns it into an Observable
for us to use all of the awesome
stuff RxJS offers up for us.
Back in our SSR fetcher getServerSideProps
in with-rxjs.tsx
, we utilize our wrapper function
, passing in the base URL for the endpoint we need repo data from. This wrapper is itself a
wrapper around firstValueFrom
, which comes from the RxJS library turning an Observable
back into a Promise
internally subscribe()
ing to the stream and emitting the first captured value back to the await
ing caller.
Okay... so let's get this straight - we're wrapping an Observable
into a Promise
so we can return data to a
function that expects a Promise
in the first place, so why the heck are we even using Observable
s in the first
place? My answer to this question would be "because I like RxJS," but a much smarter person than myself well versed in
RxJS may retort with something along the lines of being able to tap into the incredible power of RxJS operator
functions, in flight HTTP request cancellation, and response manipulation to our heart's desire that plain old
s simply cannot do as tersely as RxJS.
Because getServerSideProps
expects data as props either in its raw form as a Promise
, we need to use
to extract the HTTP response value that fromFetch
streams to its subscribers. Recall that with
s, values do not technically exist in place - values are emitted as they become available by the
with .subscribe()
ers listening for said values. Simply put, Observable
s do not store data, they
pass data onto listeners. Luckily for us, firstValueFrom
allows us to treat our Observable
s as if were storing
data, allowing us to extract it and do with it what we please.
While there is another class of special observables,
referred to as subjects in RxJS that allow us to retrieve current stream values, data
fetching in react couples pretty tightly to the await
ing of promises to resolve, so to make our lives easy, we can use
our friendly RxJS utilities to convert
between promises and observables, with firstValueFrom
converting observables to promises, and
converting promises to observables. We get to have our observable cake, with the promise of eating it
Let's dig into our functions utilizing fromFetch
export function fetchRepos(key: string): Observable<GitHubRepoMeta[]> {
return fromFetch<GitHubReposApiResponse[]>(key, {
headers: {
Authorization: `token ${
process.env.GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN ??
selector: (response) => response.json(),
catchError((error) => {
return EMPTY
Breaking this function down, we utilize the generic type version of fromFetch
so we can benefit from typing our
HTTP responses explicitly without having to manually type cast after a response.json()
call. fromFetch
exactly what you think it does - wraps fetch
(a promise) in the promise converting RxJS operator from
so we can
treat fetch
as if it were an Observable
. fromFetch
expects the same optional configuration object as fetch
does, meaning we can attach headers, specify HTTP methods, etc. while additionally allowing us to project the
response into anything available from the Response
object fetch
In our case, we project response.json()
which internally is more or less the same as calling a switchMap()/exhaustMap()
after fromFetch
emits a value,
saving us a line of inner observable mapping operator functions so that we can jump right into map()
ing the
deserialized response into the prop types our pages expect. If any error occurs, we log out to console and do
nothing (probably want to perform some sort of recovery in a real world scenario).
This gives us a few benefits over using just a normal old fetch
- We can explicitly statically type the HTTP response
- We can project response data in an efficient manner, blocking further inner mappings from happening until the body response stream has been read entirely
- We can easily cancel long running requests with a
operator function, if we wanted to
Among with a few others, we quickly see how data fetching with fromFetch
provides a powerful reactive wrapper
around the native fetch
, boosting its ability to be efficiently used for simple data retrieval.
But about within the context of CSR? Let's build out one more page to explore integrating RxJS with swr as a fetcher function:
import { NextPage } from 'next'
import useSWR from 'swr'
import { githubBaseUrl } from '../lib/constants'
import { fetchFirstReposValue } from '../lib/utilities'
const WithCSR: NextPage = () => {
const { data: mappedGitHubRepos } = useSWR(
return mappedGitHubRepos ? (
<h2 className="text-2xl">
Number of repos: {mappedGitHubRepos.length}
) : (
<h2 className="text-2xl">Loading...</h2>
export default WithCSR
We tap into the useSWR
hook, supplying the base URL for the endpoint as the key, and reuse our fromFetch
as the
fetcher function useSWR
expects. swr
caches the returned data using the stale-while-revalidating
HTTP strategy,
but instead, we tap into RxJS to fetch the data for us for all the aforementioned reasons and benefits in the SSR
context, but this time on the client.
Wrapping up
I like RxJS, and love more so RxJS-ifying anything and everything I can. While there are existing RxJS/react
integration libraries, I prefer simply using RxJS in its natural form, allowing me to fully customize how I .pipe()
streams of data however I like. RxJS, again, is a huge library of utilities for pub/sub and reactive programming
with JS, and is not meant to replace promises, but rather offer an alternative, or in our case, complimentary
functionality that promises provide in the first place. I love RxJS, and will definitely be using it wherever I can
in my
react projects.
Until next time, friends!