blog meme

As I delve into the depths of PHP more these days, I find myself more fascinated with how far PHP has come based on stories of yore from developers that were around in its early days. As a career .NET'er, I've seen my fair share of legacy codebases riddled with atrocities that should be outlawed within the software development community and punishable by the highest courts of software law. Approaching a decade working in the enterprise, I'm always fascinated by the spread of opinion when it comes to safety and speed of delivery within a team and their codebase(s).

On one hand, there's a camp of developers emphasizing the core tenants of design, citing every decision they make back to a passage within their religious texts by the Gang of Four. Safety is of the utmost importance, tests serve as quasi-documentation, and sweating the details in every line of code within a PR is the norm.

On the other, there's a general sense of code being "good enough" to serve the purpose for which it was written, and if it's crunch time, the accompanying codebase quality and insurance checks can slip by the wayside, saving those bits for a rainy day. The rain has yet to come in many of the codebases, but there's a still chance someday.

I tend to fall somewhere in between, usually siding more so with the former group. I used to be deeply rooted within the first camp, but as I grow more into a curmudgeon, I'm okay with things being good enough as long as it can provide value to the company and the codebase.

I've been writing more PHP lately for fun and (yet to be seen) profit, simply because I'm growing quite bored with .NET. I still love C# (and TypeScript for that matter) but those dang Laracons always seem to spike my FOMO of not being a professionally employed Laravel/PHP developer everytime they roll around. Akin to a rebellious teenager defying the status quo set by their parents, the corporate enterprise running solely on Microsoft technologies has sucked the love for programming out of me, instilling a certain disdain for anything that resembles corporate-y code (you know the kind of code I'm talking about).

I've been working on a Hetzner client for PHP and wanted to write a bit about how much I love PHPStan. Yes, I know. There's like a dozen or so Hetzner wrappers on Packagist, but this one is mine, and because it's mine, it's special to me.

Okay, sorry for rambling. To the code!

PHP 🤝🏻 Hetzner

So I've been scratching my own itch writing this library. Partly because I ran out of steam writing my wrapper for Bluesky, and partly due to my mass exodus from Digital Ocean over to Hetzner for websites and apps I run (including this blog). The power/dollar spent is better (in my opinion) and the UI is great.

Alas, forget the UI. We're programmers. We don't need no stinkin' UI.

For my client, I have an initializer to help spin up an instance to be able to call into Hetzner:

final readonly class Client implements ClientContract
    public const string API_BASE_URL = '';

    public function __construct(
        public ConnectorContract $connector
    ) {

    public function servers(): ServersResourceContract
        return new ServersResource($this->connector);
    // ...other resources

Where a resource will look something like:

 * @phpstan-import-type GetServerResponseSchema from GetServerResponse
 * ...other type imports
final readonly class ServersResource implements ServersResourceContract
    public function __construct(
        public ConnectorContract $connector
    ) {

    public function resource(): string
        return ServersResource::class;

    public function getServer(int $id): GetServerResponse
        $request = ClientRequestBuilder::get("servers/$id");

        /** @var Response<array<array-key, mixed>> $response */
        $response = $this->connector->sendClientRequest($request);

        /** @var GetServerResponseSchema $data */
        $data = $response->data();

        return GetServerResponse::from($data);
    // ...other interactions based on their API

Something I've been really enjoying and fully embraced in this library are PHPStan type imports. Writing an API client can be somewhat cumbersome. Every API is different, every provider has a different philosophy on how to serve their data, etc. I'm running max level PHPStan because I love pain and the Rust compiler has thoroughly beaten me into submission, teaching me to enjoy correctness in code no matter how long it takes to get there.

I've taken the approach to define a resource's response schema in a "resource" class of sorts, and then importing that schema all throughout my project. It's been great for my productivity, defining type schemas in one place and importing them where I need them, all while keeping PHPStan happy on level 10 and never having to worry about schema duplication.

The type schemas are directly defined based on the API response they're modeling, so PHPStan keeps me honest if I try access something within the response that hasn't been defined.

I've seen in a few projects where duplicated PHPDoc annotated types can fester throughout a module and I wanted to avoid that. Taking Hetzner's server APIs as an example, I'm able to define a server resource in one place:



namespace HetznerCloud\Responses\Models;

use Carbon\CarbonImmutable;
use HetznerCloud\HttpClientUtilities\Contracts\ResponseContract;
use HetznerCloud\HttpClientUtilities\Responses\Concerns\ArrayAccessible;

 * @phpstan-import-type DeprecationSchema from Deprecation
 * @phpstan-import-type DatacenterSchema from Datacenter
 * @phpstan-import-type PlacementGroupSchema from PlacementGroup
 * @phpstan-import-type PrivateNetSchema from PrivateNet
 * @phpstan-import-type PublicNetSchema from PublicNet
 * @phpstan-import-type ProtectionSchema from Protection
 * @phpstan-import-type ServerImageSchema from ServerImage
 * @phpstan-import-type ServerIsoSchema from ServerIso
 * @phpstan-import-type ServerTypeSchema from ServerType
 * @phpstan-type ServerSchema array{
 *     backup_window: ?string,
 *     created: string,
 *     datacenter: DatacenterSchema,
 *     id: int,
 *     image: ?ServerImageSchema,
 *     included_traffic: ?int,
 *     ingoing_traffic: ?int,
 *     iso: ?ServerIsoSchema,
 *     labels: array<string, string>,
 *     load_balancers?: array<int, int>,
 *     locked: bool,
 *     name: string,
 *     outgoing_traffic: int,
 *     placement_group?: ?PlacementGroupSchema,
 *     primary_disk_size: int,
 *     private_net: PrivateNetSchema[],
 *     protection: ProtectionSchema,
 *     public_net: PublicNetSchema,
 *     rescue_enabled: bool,
 *     server_type: ServerTypeSchema,
 *     status: string,
 *     volumes?: array<int, int>
 * }
 * @implements ResponseContract<ServerSchema>
final readonly class Server implements ResponseContract
     * @use ArrayAccessible<ServerSchema>
    use ArrayAccessible;

     * @param  array<string, string>  $labels
     * @param  array<int, int>  $loadBalancers
     * @param  PrivateNetSchema[]  $privateNet
     * @param  array<int, int>  $volumes
    public function __construct(
        public ?string $backupWindow,
        public CarbonImmutable $created,
        public Datacenter $datacenter,
        public int $id,
        public ?ServerImage $image,
        public ?int $includedTraffic,
        public ?int $ingoingTraffic,
        public ?ServerIso $iso,
        public array $labels,
        public array $loadBalancers,
        public bool $locked,
        public string $name,
        public int $outgoingTraffic,
        public ?PlacementGroup $placementGroup,
        public int $primaryDiskSize,
        public array $privateNet,
        public Protection $protection,
        public PublicNet $publicNet,
        public bool $rescueEnabled,
        public ServerType $serverType,
        public string $status,
        public array $volumes,
    ) {}

     * @param  ServerSchema  $attributes
    public static function from(array $attributes): self
        return new self(
            $attributes['backup_window'] ?? null,
            isset($attributes['image']) ? ServerImage::from($attributes['image']) : null,
            $attributes['included_traffic'] ?? null,
            $attributes['ingoing_traffic'] ?? null,
            isset($attributes['iso']) ? ServerIso::from($attributes['iso']) : null,
            $attributes['load_balancers'] ?? [],
            isset($attributes['placement_group']) ? PlacementGroup::from($attributes['placement_group']) : null,
            $attributes['volumes'] ?? [],

     * @return ServerSchema
    public function toArray(): array
        return [
            'backup_window' => $this->backupWindow,
            'created' => $this->created->toIso8601String(),
            'status' => $this->status,
            'datacenter' => $this->datacenter->toArray(),
            'id' => $this->id,
            'image' => $this->image?->toArray(),
            'included_traffic' => $this->includedTraffic,
            'ingoing_traffic' => $this->ingoingTraffic,
            'iso' => $this->iso?->toArray(),
            'labels' => $this->labels,
            'load_balancers' => $this->loadBalancers,
            'locked' => $this->locked,
            'name' => $this->name,
            'outgoing_traffic' => $this->outgoingTraffic,
            'placement_group' => $this->placementGroup?->toArray(),
            'primary_disk_size' => $this->primaryDiskSize,
            'private_net' => $this->privateNet,
            'protection' => $this->protection->toArray(),
            'public_net' => $this->publicNet->toArray(),
            'rescue_enabled' => $this->rescueEnabled,
            'server_type' => $this->serverType->toArray(),
            'volumes' => $this->volumes,

There's a myriad of @phpstan-import-types at the class-level method docs. Each schema is housed within its resource, and I can safely import the schemas around as they match their direct JSON API response and map them into their PHP object counterparts. Yes, I could use a serializer, but I don't really care for the overhead, and it's oddly cathartic writing the boilerplate mapping code (PHPStorm AI code pilot does most of it, if I'm being honest). There's some other bits in there based on another library I've split off from the main client providing some nice little utilities for writing API clients in PHP, but I'll save that blog post for a rainy day (boom, callback). I've been heavily influenced by the OpenAI PHP client (shout out Nuno), and abstracted out some things I liked about that client library into my own little utility package.

I have these type imports all over the code, and it helps me mentally map out a boundary between my PHP code and what I get back from Hetzner. Anything that's defined as a @phpstan-type schema comes directly from the API, and my models are just that - good ol' PHP model objects. The server resource model is one of the beefier response schemas they have.

The obvious benefit is reusability, like reusing schemas across object models. Taking the create response one would receive back the API:

 * @phpstan-import-type ActionSchema from Action
 * @phpstan-import-type ErrorSchema from Error
 * @phpstan-import-type ErrorResponseSchema from ErrorResponse
 * @phpstan-import-type ServerSchema from Server
 * @phpstan-type CreateServerResponseSchema array{
 *     action: ?ActionSchema,
 *     next_actions: ?ActionSchema[],
 *     root_password: ?string,
 *     server: ?ServerSchema
 * }|ErrorResponseSchema
 * @implements ResponseContract<CreateServerResponseSchema>
final readonly class CreateServerResponse implements ResponseContract
     * @use ArrayAccessible<CreateServerResponseSchema>
    use ArrayAccessible;

     * @use Fakeable<CreateServerResponseSchema>
    use Fakeable;

     * @param  Action[]  $nextActions
    private function __construct(
        public ?Action $action = null,
        public ?array $nextActions = null,
        public ?string $rootPassword = null,
        public ?Server $server = null,
        public ?Error $error = null,
    ) {

     * @param  CreateServerResponseSchema  $attributes
    public static function from(array $attributes): self
        return new self(
            isset($attributes['action']) ? Action::from($attributes['action']) : null,
            isset($attributes['next_actions']) ? array_map(
                static fn (array $action): Action => Action::from($action),
            ) : null,
            $attributes['root_password'] ?? null,
            isset($attributes['server']) ? Server::from($attributes['server']) : null,
            isset($attributes['error']) ? Error::from($attributes['error']) : null,

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function toArray(): array
        return [
            'action' => $this->action?->toArray(),
            'next_actions' => array_map(
                static fn (Action $action): array => $action->toArray(),
                $this->nextActions ?? []
            'root_password' => $this->rootPassword,
            'server' => $this->server?->toArray(),
            'error' => $this->error?->toArray(),

I've been enjoying writing the client library in this fashion. Although it's a bit tedious at times, I know the developer experience is what I want it to be, and it feels good to use:



use Carbon\Carbon;
use HetznerCloud\HetznerCloud;

require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';

$dotenv = Dotenv\Dotenv::createImmutable(__DIR__.'/../');

/** @var string $apiKey */
$client = HetznerCloud::client($apiKey);

// Create a server
$createdServer = $client->servers()->createServer([
    'name' => 'test-server',
    'server_type' => 'cpx11',
    'image' => 'ubuntu-24.04',

// Get a list of servers
$servers = $client->servers()->getServers();

// Get a single server
$serverId = $createdServer->server->id ?? 1;
$server = $client->servers()->getServer($serverId);

It feels great working with statically mapped PHP objects based on responses directly from Hetzner's Cloud API, and not being forced into a generic array data bag filled with mixed data only accessible via array access. I'm hand waving over the Response<array<array-key, mixed>> bit in my resource API methods, though I'll arm wrestle with those another day. I spun my wheels for a while in a swap of generics, and decided to reduce the complexity a bit by allowing a smidge of dynamic-ness in the code. I've got plenty of tests covering various scenarios, so even though it's not as Rust-level strict as I'd like, it's a nice balance of type leniency and enforcement that I've come to enjoy.

Well, guess that's it. Thanks for reading about my random ramblings about PHP.

Until next time, friends!