Nullable reference types and designing with intent



Nullable reference types and designing with intent blog meme

It's almost 5 o'clock, you've just deployed the latest API build into your test environment for other teams to start consuming and integrating into their applications, and the weekend is right around the corner. Then, the Slack messages begin.

Steve from that one team: Hey, you guys just released a new build, right? Looks like we're getting 500s calling your team's API.`

Naturally, we check the logs in the test environment using our favorite application insight tool (we happen to use Splunk in my company), and aimlessly attempt to find any sign of failure, praying to the higher powers that may be to just be the client that has the issue.

Then, it happens:

ERROR: NullReferenceException at (35,16) in Program.cs

Ugh... of course, and only on a Friday. The previous scenario is something we developers are all too familiar with, and our mortal enemy, the NullReferenceException has been besting even our most experienced code slingers for over half of a decade. Since its inception in the early 1960s, null has been a staple of computer science, software engineering, and expression of application intent in nearly every facet of building applications. We've built million dollar software systems based on the idea, and even worse, have caused billions (yes, with a "b") of dollars of damage in the form of irrecoverable business data. Unfortunately, one could argue that null is here to stay, deeply rooted in many of the world's most complex software systems that power entire economies, and there's no plans to re-engineer its original design intent. With the rise of object-oriented programming, the null pointer has possibly been one of the most common issues in our software applications. Take for example the following:

var myObject= new MyObject
    Foo = "Bar"

// Assigning another object to the same reference that myObject points to
var anotherObject = myObject;
anotherObject.Foo = "Not Bar";

Console.WriteLine(myObject.Foo); // Prints "Not Bar"

Nothing out of the ordinary here, as we software engineers see this kind of stuff all over our codebases. Sharing references between objects (one could make the argument) forms the core of object-oriented programming. Pointers, pieces of our stack allocated memory that "point" to our reference values in memory, are easy to pass around, manipulate, and conveniently dereference and go about our merry way. Pointer references, although great as they may be, present the issue that has plagued nearly every software application at one point, or another: the null pointer.

Take for example the extension of our code from above:

anotherObject.Foo = null;

What happens now? anotherObject assigns our Foo property to an absent value, all while we attempt to dereference that same property value and retrieve the length on the next line. Run the program, and watch the catastrophe in action:

Unhandled exception. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Hello darkness, my old friend... the infamous NullReferenceException. Queue the obvious rhetorical question - is there anything we can do to prevent this behavior? Enter C# 8.0 and nullable reference types, our NullReferenceException saving grace. As a professional .NET Core amateur, I'll do what I do best and explore this shiny new feature of C# in all its glory. Let's spin up a simple console app reflecting the previous example code to start things off:

> dotnet new console -n NullableReferencesExample

Now, in our Program.cs file, let's add the following:

using System;

namespace NullableReferencesExample
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var myObject= new MyObject
                Foo = "Bar"

            var anotherObject = myObject;
            anotherObject.Foo = "Not Bar";


            anotherObject.Foo = null;

    internal class MyObject
        public string Foo { get; set; }

Go ahead and run a quick dotnet restore, and let's build our project with a dotnet build:

Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 16.3.0+0f4c62fea for .NET Core
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

  Restore completed in 22.78 ms for /path/to//NullableReferencesExample/NullableReferencesExample.csproj.
  NullableReferencesExample -> /path/to//NullableReferencesExample/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.0/NullableReferencesExample.dll

Build succeeded.
    0 Warning(s)
    0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:02.44

Our build completes just fine, with no signs of terror ahead even though we've knowingly written an inevitable disaster within our code. If we run this application with a dotnet run, we get exactly what we expect. Let's capture the build warning ahead of time by bringing in C# 8.0 and the nullable context to our project scope by adding the following to our PropertyGroup section of our NullableReferencesExample.csproj:


Notice that we add the <Nullable>enable</Nullable> property; with this tag, we've now enabled nullable references throughout our entire project. In layman's terms, now every where in our project that a reference type exists without being declared as nullable, the compiler will assume that we cannot assign those values as null. This is huge. If you've ever programmed in a language like Rust, you've seen this concept firsthand. Briefly for those that haven't, the concept of null does not really exist in Rust, which is one of the reasons (along with many others) an army of developers have adopted it as one of the most loved languages, according to the last Stack Overflow developer survey. By introducing this nullable context for all reference types in our code, the compiler will implement strict rules anytime we do not initialize a non-nullable reference type, dereference a nullable reference type without checking for null, etc. Let's rebuild our project to see this in action with a quick dotnet build:

Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 16.3.0+0f4c62fea for .NET Core
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

  Restore completed in 21.09 ms for /path/to/NullableReferencesExample/NullableReferencesExample.csproj.
Program.cs(26,23): warning CS8618: Non-nullable property 'Foo' is uninitialized. Consider declaring the property as nullable. [/path/to/NullableReferencesExample/NullableReferencesExample.csproj]
Program.cs(19,33): warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type. [/path/to/NullableReferencesExample/NullableReferencesExample.csproj]
  NullableReferencesExample -> /path/to//NullableReferencesExample/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.0/NullableReferencesExample.dll

Build succeeded.

Program.cs(26,23): warning CS8618: Non-nullable property 'Foo' is uninitialized. Consider declaring the property as nullable. [/path/to/NullableReferencesExample/NullableReferencesExample.csproj]
Program.cs(19,33): warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type. [/path/to/NullableReferencesExample/NullableReferencesExample.csproj]
    2 Warning(s)
    0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:02.61

Low and behold, the compiler warnings we hoped for (the good kind, at least) alert us that we have not initialized a non-nullable reference type (our Foo property in our MyObject class) and that we've assigned our Foo property to null (from the compiler's perspective, we shouldn't be doing that). In our new world of nullable reference types, we have to specify to the compiler when our reference types have the possibility of being null, and where exactly we might make those assignments. Now, coming from a language like Rust, nullable reference types are not to say there is no longer a concept of null in C#; should we opt in for the nullable context, we must tell the compiler what types have the ability to be null. By designing our code with this idea in mind, coupled with the compiler assisting us with its strict compile time reference checking, we gain an added layer of code security and the possibility of eliminating any chance of a NullReferenceException (not to say we'll never get one, we simply greatly reduce the chance if we implement the proper design).

We'll go ahead and address our current compiler warnings using this new concept of nullable reference types, but before we do, let's discuss the different ways we might be able to accomplish this.

So, what should we do? Well, the answer is simple: it depends. Let's think about the context for our MyObject class. In the real world, we build applications designed to solve real world problems, usually built around a central domain architecture. What does our MyObject class represent? Is there a business-driven reason as to why the Foo property might not exist on an instance of MyObject? For our use case, let's define a rule that there is a valid reason for Foo to be absent of value. So, let's declare it as nullable:

internal class MyObject
    public string? Foo { get; set; }

With our build errors now fixed, let's add a method to snag the length of a string argument passed in back to the caller:

private static int GetLength(string someStringValue)
    return someStringValue.Length;

Now back in our Main method, let's call this function to grab a reference to the length of another MyObject instance:

var mySecondObject = new MyObject();
var fooLength = GetLength(mySecondObject.Foo);

and if we build our project, we'll get the following warnings:

Program.cs(23,39): warning CS8604: Possible null reference argument for parameter 'someStringValue' in 'int Program.GetLength(string someStringValue)'.

What caused this warning? The compiler noticed that we we're passing a nullable reference type (our string? type Foo property) to a method expecting a non-nullable string type. Without the nullable context enabled, we would get no warnings from the compiler; within the nullable context, the compiler is protecting us from runtime NullReferenceExceptions because of this compile time analysis. Back in our Main method, if we add a null check before calling our GetLength method and compile:

var mySecondObject = new MyObject();
if (mySecondObject.Foo != null)
    var fooLength = GetLength(mySecondObject.Foo);

our project compiles successfully with no warnings, since the compiler sees that we are guaranteeing a non-nullable string will be passed into GetLength(). We could also make GetLength() accept a nullable string type and using the ? operator while dereferencing someStringValue; the compiler will be happy either way.

Another Example

Let's see how we might be able to leverage the power of nullable reference types with another example. I've recently written a series of posts guiding readers as we build a real world application using .NET Core and Dapper centered around a fictional brewery management software called Dappery. I'll take a few examples from those posts and use them here, since you might already be familiar.

Let's create a brewery class, and see how we can use nullable reference types to safely construct instances of this class and add beers to an associated brewery:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace NullableReferencesExample
    public class Brewery
        public ICollection<Beer>? Beers { get; set; }

        public string Name { get; set; }

        public void AddBeer(string name, double abv, byte ibu)
            Beers?.Add(new Beer
                Name = name,
                Style = style,
                Abv = abv,
                Ibu = ibu

        public void PrintBeers()
            Console.WriteLine($"----- {Name} has {Beers?.Count} beers -----");
            foreach (var beer in Beers)
                Console.WriteLine($"----- {beer.Name} -----");
                Console.WriteLine($"| Style: {beer.Style} |");
                Console.WriteLine($"| ABV: {beer.Abv} |");
                Console.WriteLine($"| IBU: {beer.Ibu} |");

and our associated beer class that we'll use in conjunction with our Brewery class:


namespace NullableReferencesExample
    public class Beer
        public string Name { get; set; }

        public string Style { get; set; }

        public double Abv { get; set; }

        public byte Ibu { get; set; }

        public Brewery Brewery { get; set; }

Take a look at our Brewery class and notice how we've declared our collection of Beers as a nullable reference; this is an intentional design decision (something we should always keep in mind when working in the nullable context). We're expressing our intent to both the compiler and developers working with this code after us that "hey, there is a chance that a brewery could not have a reference to any beers." Should we initialize our list to an empty collection of beers? We totally could, but for the purpose of us exploring the nullable reference context, we'll leave our collection as nullable for now. To not overload us with compiler warnings, let's add the new #nullable disable preprocessor directive at the top of our Beer.cs class and run dotnet build to see what warnings we might get:

Brewery.cs(20,34): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
Brewery.cs(10,23): warning CS8618: Non-nullable property 'Name' is uninitialized. Consider declaring the property as nullable.

Interesting... take a look at that first warning: Brewery.cs(20,34): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference. Looking at our code in Brewery.cs, we're iterating over our Beers collection, which we declared as nullable, telling the compiler there's a chance the enumerable could be null. Let's fix this by checking that we have a collection before iterating through each beer within the PrintBeers method:

public void PrintBeers()
    Console.WriteLine($"----- {Name} has {Beers?.Count} beers -----");

    if (Beers != null)
        foreach (var beer in Beers)
            Console.WriteLine($"----- {beer.Name} -----");
            Console.WriteLine($"| Style: {beer.Style} |");
            Console.WriteLine($"| ABV: {beer.Abv} |");
            Console.WriteLine($"| IBU: {beer.Ibu} |");

Addressing our second compiler warning, let's initialize the Name property since we're telling the compiler this is a non-nullable string reference, so callers of our code can safely dereference a brewery object's Name without fear of the value being null. We'll initialize the Name property while instantiating a Brewery object, making our code correct by construction. While we're at it, we'll refactor the initialization of the Beers collection as well:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace NullableReferencesExample
    public class Brewery
        public Brewery(string name) => Name = name;

        public ICollection<Beer>? Beers { get; set; }

        public string Name { get; }

        public void AddBeer(string name, string style, double abv, byte ibu)
            Beers ??= new List<Beer>();
            Beers.Add(new Beer
                Name = name,
                Style = style,
                Abv = abv,
                Ibu = ibu

        public void PrintBeers()
            Console.WriteLine($"----- {Name} has {Beers?.Count ?? 0} beers -----");

            if (Beers is null)
                Console.WriteLine("No beers found");

            foreach (var beer in Beers)
                Console.WriteLine($"----- {beer.Name} -----");
                Console.WriteLine($"| Style: {beer.Style} |");
                Console.WriteLine($"| ABV: {beer.Abv} |");
                Console.WriteLine($"| IBU: {beer.Ibu} |");

In our AddBeer method, notice our usage of the null-coalescing assignment operator ??=. Recently added in C# 8.0, ??= is a derivative of the ?? null-coalescing operator. Using ??=, our operand on the left side will be assigned to the evaluation of the right side, if our left side operand evaluates to null. Anytime we instantiate a brewery object and attempt to add a beer, we'll initialize our beer collection on the first beer added. To make things interesting, let's give our breweries an address, since I've never heard of a virtual brewery (yet):


namespace NullableReferencesExample
    public class Address
        public Address(string streetAddress, string city, string state, string zipCode, string? zipCodeExtension) =>
            (StreetAddress, City, State, ZipCode, ZipCodeExtension) = (streetAddress, city, state, zipCode, zipCodeExtension);

        public string StreetAddress { get; }

        public string City { get; }

        public string State { get; }

        public string ZipCode { get; }

        public string? ZipCodeExtension { get; }

and back in our Brewery.cs class, let's add an Address property:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace NullableReferencesExample
    public class Brewery
        public Brewery(string name, Address address) =>
            (Name, Address) = (name, address);

        public ICollection<Beer>? Beers { get; set; }

        public Address Address { get; }

        public string Name { get; }

        public void AddBeer(string name, string style, double abv, byte ibu)
            Beers ??= new List<Beer>();
            Beers.Add(new Beer(name, style, abv, ibu, this));

        public void PrintBeers()
            Console.WriteLine($"----- {Name} has {Beers?.Count ?? 0} beers -----");

            if (Beers is null)
                Console.WriteLine("No beers found");

            foreach (var beer in Beers)
                Console.WriteLine($"----- {beer.Name} -----");
                Console.WriteLine($"| Style: {beer.Style} |");
                Console.WriteLine($"| ABV: {beer.Abv} |");
                Console.WriteLine($"| IBU: {beer.Ibu} |");

        public void PrintAddress()
            Console.WriteLine("---- Address -----");
            Console.WriteLine($"Street: {Address.StreetAddress}");
            Console.WriteLine($"City: {Address.City}");
            Console.WriteLine($"State: {Address.State}");
            Console.WriteLine(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Address.ZipCodeExtension) ? $"Zip Code: {Address.ZipCode}" : $"Zip Code: {Address.ZipCode}-{Address.ZipCodeExtension}");

Notice that our Address property, within our nullable reference context, is not allowed to be null as we did not declare it as nullable. In our PrintAddress, the compiler knows our Address property is non-nullable, and we can safely dereference the property without having to check if Address exists, avoiding any chance of a NullReferenceException. If we build our project at this point, we should see no warnings and the compiler should happy. Let's go ahead and remove the #nullable disable preprocessor directive from out Beer.cs file and build our project one more time to see the new set of compiler warnings we'll get:

Beer.cs(8,23): warning CS8618: Non-nullable property 'Name' is uninitialized. Consider declaring the property as nullable.
Beer.cs(10,23): warning CS8618: Non-nullable property 'Style' is uninitialized. Consider declaring the property as nullable.
Beer.cs(16,24): warning CS8618: Non-nullable property 'Brewery' is uninitialized. Consider declaring the property as nullable.

As expected, we get three warnings due to our three reference type properties not being initialized in the Beer.cs class. Notice we only received the warnings for our string and Brewery reference types, as the byte and double are value types stored on the stack that will take on their default value if not supplied a value at construction time. For our use case, let's about think our intent for the Beer class: a beer should have a name, a brewing style (lager, IPA, etc.), and should be associated to a brewery. Each of these properties should be a non-nullable reference type, which means that at construction time, we need to supply an initial non-null value. To best solve our problem, rather than using the override default! assignment on each of these properties, or declaring each as nullable when we know these properties should not be null, let's add a constructor that will assure us values of each of these properties anytime we instantiate a Beer object:

namespace NullableReferencesExample
    public class Beer
        public Beer(string name, string style, double abv, byte ibu, Brewery brewery) =>
            (Name, Style, Abv, Ibu, Brewery) = (name, style, abv, ibu, brewery);

        public string Name { get; }

        public string Style { get; }

        public double Abv { get; }

        public byte Ibu { get; }

        public Brewery Brewery { get; }

This is all fine and dandy, as we've explored some of the compiler warnings we could possibly get in a nullable context, but what happens if we ignore those warnings and assign things as null anyway? Let's clean out our Main method in Program.cs and start adding some breweries and beers:

namespace NullableReferencesExample
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var breweryAddress = new Address("1030 E Cypress Ave.", "Redding", "CA", "96002");
            var brewery = new Brewery("Fall River Brewery", breweryAddress);

            var anotherBreweryAddress = new Address("1075 E 20th St.", "Chico", null, "95928");
            var anotherBrewery = new Brewery("Sierra Nevada Brewing Company", anotherBreweryAddress);

and if we build our project:

Program.cs(10,83): warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.

Again, the compiler is warning us that we've assigned a null value to a non-nullable string reference type in our driver program. Coupled with the declaration of non-null reference types within our Beer class, we've now protected any instantiation of a Beer object to always expect a non-null value for any of it's injected values. Now, what if we choose to ignore this warning and do something like:


in our application? The compiler won't give us any warnings, because from its perspective, the State property is non-null so this code would be totally valid. Enabling the nullable reference type context is only half of the solution to eliminating NullReferenceExceptions; we, the developers, are response to design our code with intent. Coupled with the nullable context, we are now responsible for architecting our code, declaring which properties the compiler should expect to be null, and conversely allowing the compiler to warn us when we've dereferenced a value that could possibly be null. Let's give our Main method a little more logic to top things off:

namespace NullableReferencesExample
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var breweryAddress = new Address("1030 E Cypress Ave.", "Redding", "CA", "96002");
            var brewery = new Brewery("Fall River Brewery", breweryAddress);
            brewery.AddBeer("Hexagenia", "Indian Pale Ale", 7.1, 120);

            var anotherBreweryAddress = new Address("1075 E 20th St.", "Chico", "CA", "95928");
            var anotherBrewery = new Brewery("Sierra Nevada Brewing Company", anotherBreweryAddress);

If we build our project now with a quick dotnet build, we see there are no compiler warnings, ensuring us each of our instantiated breweries has been properly constructed, and we've eliminated any chance of null references. If we run our project with dotnet run, we see the following:

---- Address -----
Street: 1030 E Cypress Ave.
City: Redding
State: CA
Zip Code: 96002

----- Fall River Brewery has 1 beers -----
----- Hexagenia -----
| Style: Indian Pale Ale |
| ABV: 7.1 |
| IBU: 120 |

---- Address -----
Street: 1075 E 20th St.
City: Chico
State: CA
Zip Code: 95928

----- Sierra Nevada Brewing Company has 0 beers -----
No beers found

Wrapping Things Up

The nullable reference context new to C# 8.0, allowing us to leverage nullable reference types, is an incredibly powerful tool for developers to construct clean, safe code. With nullable reference types and proper application architecture, we can nearly eliminate nearly any chance of a NullReferenceException within our code, guaranteeing compile and runtime safety while building an added layer of code security within our programs. This likely won't be the last time we explore nullable reference types, and if you've been following along with our series on building a real world application using Dapper and .NET Core, we'll see how to utilize the nullable reference context throughout our application for similar benefits.

Until next time, amigos!

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