Alright, I'm making this one short (sort of). My pre-New Year's Resolution is to write on my blog here more than bi-annually. Since becoming a dad and taking up my jorts-laden mantle and becoming alarmingly interested in grass mowing techniques and New Balance footwear this past year, finding the time to write has come too far and between (betwixt?).
I was recently on the hunt for something new to learn and after laughing at memes on r/webdev about PHP for far too long, I figured I had better at least learn a little PHP to understand the source of the meme'ery in the first place. Learning PHP ultimately brought me to Laravel, and oh... my... god... do I feel betrayed by my fellow developers for dunking on PHP without telling me about the abundant Lambos running rampant in the Laravel ecosystem. I've been writing a bunch of Rust to keep my brain occupied outside my normal 8-to-5 and PHP was a breath of fresh air.
If you're a full-time TypeScript/.NET'er working with a sprinkle of other languages like Go and Rust here and there like me, PHP might seem like an afterthought. I can confidently say that after embarking down the Laravel/PHP road, I'm more than happy I did.
I thought it would be fun to write a bit about the process of learning Laravel through re-writing my website from a few different iterations of JS frameworks and give some insight from a newcomers perspective about Laravel and PHP.
I'm a creature of habit, and one thing I've formed somewhat of a ritual around is re-writing my website, the very one you happen to be reading, at least once a year. I've gone through a few iterations:
Quite frankly, I'm burnt out on JS framework madness, though to no fault of their own. There's many that are innovating and pushing the ecosystem forward with cool new technology that I'll get to use in production five years from now if I'm lucky. Each iteration I re-wrote wrangled a hodge podge of JS libraries for certain things I wanted to do, including but not limited to:
And a plethora of other things. The nice thing about Laravel is that a lot of this is out-of-the-box functionality so I can indulge in my slice-of-the-internet playground that is my website.
I found that while re-building my site with Laravel, I was having fun writing code in a new way that I was missing when using the JS flavor of the month framework. My .NET brain felt right at home with Laravel, all the while being able to mix and match frontends thanks to Inertia.js (I'm not quite ready to embrace Livewire just yet). Anything I wanted to do, Laravel had an answer:
The goal of this post will be to outline what I think makes Laravel great from the context of a PHP/Laravel outsider even for a small, mostly static website like mine.
Coming from .NET, I clutch onto my DI framework pearls tightly, rarely loosening my grip. I'll even die on the hill that
.NET's first-party dependency injection framework (when used within it's expected confines) is one of the better DI
frameworks out there (I've enjoyed it much more than Spring's DI with magical @autowire
s on every bean).
I like to think I'm not that much of a DI container shill after writing a few things in Rust and Go, and while they
have there place and time when serving a viable purpose, are nice to work with when used correctly. I see a lot of
.NET in the wild attempting to bend ServiceProvider
s to their application's will, creating a poor man's service
locator within a service locator (I'm guilty as charged).
With Laravel, binding contracts to concretes is simple and straight forward. Coupled with route-provider binding built-in DI, it quite literally felt like I was back at home writing a modern .NET application.
I'm glutton for punishment and Rust-level strict typing, so phpstan with the
help larastan cranked up to the max scratched that itch. I'm currently
in the process of trimming down the things I don't need with Laravel, which ultimately entails things
like removing auth-based middleware, migrations, and models since I have no intention of managing users. While max level
phpstan requires a few tweaks to a freshly scaffolded Laravel Breeze app, once
those tweaks were made that mainly consisted of a few typing hints here and there, everything worked as expected.
Coupled with fswatch, I got the same DX as I'm used to with Rust akin to
running something like cargo watch -x clippy
with the help of cargo-watch.
Better yet, hiding said fswatch
command behind a justfile made it seamless to
integrate phpstan continuously while I was writing code:
default: pail
# runs tail logging
php artisan pail
# syncs content to the database
php artisan app:sync-content
# continuously runs lint on file change
fswatch -o app/ | xargs -n1 -I{} sh -c "composer run lint"
and in my terminal:
$ just lint # which runs `fswatch -o app/ | xargs -n1 -I{} sh -c "composer run lint"` by proxy
> vendor/bin/phpstan analyse app
Note: Using configuration file /Users/jmckenzie/projects/php/
40/40 [▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓] 100%
[OK] No errors
Beautiful! Any source code change within my app/
directory triggered a full linting run to make sure I was holding
myself accountable for not letting my code go to shit (pardon my French).
Side note, composer is easily up there with cargo competing for best language toolchain on the market. I mean come on JavaScript... why do we need four different package managers?
One of the things I need is the ability to continuously sync markdown content with the database I store it in, which in my case is just a MySQL instance running on my droplet provisioned with the help of Laravel Forge (more on that later). Rather than writing some one off shell script to do that, I found Laravel commands mighty useful to simply just define a custom artisan command that would:
That ended up looking something like:
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use App\Contracts\ContentUtilityContract;
use App\Models\ContentMeta;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Throwable;
final class SyncContent extends Command
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'app:sync-content';
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Syncs content from markdown files into the database.';
* Execute the console command.
* @throws Throwable
public function handle(ContentUtilityContract $contentUtility): void
$files = $contentUtility->getMarkdownFilePaths();
->map(fn (string $filePath) => $contentUtility->getParsedContent($filePath))
->each(fn (ContentMeta $contentMeta) => $contentUtility->upsertBlogPost($contentMeta));
Coming from .NET, I'm a self diagnosed LINQ addict. Collections
made me feel right at home. From the above, I'm configuring a short pipeline of sorts that will do all the things I
outlined with a little help from the DI container and the ContentUtilityContract
namespace App\Contracts;
use App\Models\BlogPost;
use App\Models\ContentMeta;
use League\CommonMark\Exception\CommonMarkException;
use League\Config\Exception\ConfigurationExceptionInterface;
interface ContentUtilityContract
* @return string[]
public function getMarkdownFilePaths(): array;
* @throws ConfigurationExceptionInterface
* @throws CommonMarkException
public function getParsedContent(string $filePath): ContentMeta;
public function upsertBlogPost(ContentMeta $contentMeta): BlogPost;
and whose implementation looks something like:
namespace App\Services;
use App\Contracts\ContentUtilityContract;
use App\Models\BlogPost;
use App\Models\ContentMeta;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use League\CommonMark\ConverterInterface;
use League\CommonMark\Extension\FrontMatter\Data\SymfonyYamlFrontMatterParser;
use League\CommonMark\Extension\FrontMatter\FrontMatterParser;
use Override;
final readonly class MarkdownUtility implements ContentUtilityContract
private ConverterInterface $converter;
public function __construct(ConverterInterface $converter)
$this->converter = $converter;
public function getMarkdownFilePaths(): array
$basePath = base_path();
$contentPath = "$basePath".'/content';
Log::info("identified content path as $contentPath, globbing content files");
/** @var string[] $files */
$files = app()->environment() === 'local'
? glob("$contentPath/**/*.md", GLOB_BRACE)
: glob("$contentPath/*[!draft]/*.md", GLOB_BRACE);
$fileCount = count($files);
Log::info("$fileCount globbed files found");
return $files;
public function getParsedContent(string $filePath): ContentMeta
Log::info("parsing content for file $filePath");
/** @var string $contents */
$contents = file_get_contents($filePath);
$fileInfo = pathinfo($filePath);
$extension = empty($fileInfo['extension'])
? ''
: '.'.$fileInfo['extension'];
$fileSlug = basename($filePath, $extension);
Log::info("file parsed, determined slug as $fileSlug");
$frontMatterParser = new FrontMatterParser(new SymfonyYamlFrontMatterParser());
$parsedContent = $frontMatterParser->parse($contents);
$frontMatter = $parsedContent->getFrontMatter();
$markdown = $parsedContent->getContent();
$html = $this->converter->convert($markdown)->getContent();
Log::info('frontmatter and content parsed');
return new ContentMeta($fileSlug, $markdown, $html, $frontMatter);
public function upsertBlogPost(ContentMeta $contentMeta): BlogPost
$contentSlug = $contentMeta->slug;
Log::info("upserting blog post $contentSlug");
$upsertedBlog = BlogPost::updateOrCreate([
'slug' => $contentSlug,
], [
'slug' => $contentSlug,
'title' => $contentMeta->frontMatter->title,
'description' => $contentMeta->frontMatter->description,
'category' => $contentMeta->frontMatter->category,
'published_date' => $contentMeta->frontMatter->pubDate,
'hero_image' => $contentMeta->frontMatter->heroImage,
'keywords' => implode(',', $contentMeta->frontMatter->keywords),
'raw_content' => $contentMeta->markdown,
'parsed_content' => $contentMeta->html,
Log::info('blog content updated!');
return $upsertedBlog;
Now from what I've gathered... folks in the PHP community don't exactly love final
classes - I have no intention on
inheriting from these classes and like to follow a composition approach as often as possible (though not always).
Now anytime I want to sync my content, a simple
$ artisan app:sync-content
does the trick! Note: I'm a lazy developer, so my ~/.zshrc
configuration has an alias:
alias artisan="php artisan"
I could probably be even lazier and shorten it, but that'll do for now.
Using Laravel Forge and a DigitalOcean droplet, I'm able to turn the server provisioning part of my brain completely off and simply write code, commit, and push. Forge does just about everything for you when deploying application servers, including setting up MySQL, PHP versions, server tooling, SSL, etc. I was even able to tweak the deployment script, so I could refresh/sync my markdown content with the database anytime a new deployment was triggered. You're probably thinking "wait... why do you have a database in the first place?" There's a few reasons for that.
I use torchlight for syntax highlighting in content, and storing the parsed content in the database means I only need to pay the price of content highlighting once at deployment time. I also like to keep track of views on each blog, so I need some form of persistent storage. I also like to keep my notes in there (one of my few pieces of website flair) where I can simply SSH to my droplet and drop (no pun intended) into a tinker session to create more notes, so something like this just works when I want to add a new note without a GUI component:
# On the droplet...
root@website /home/forge/ $ php artisan tinker
Psy Shell v0.11.22 (PHP 8.3.0 — cli) by Justin Hileman
> \App\Models\Note::create(['title' => 'Networking', 'description' => 'I have no clue how SSL truly works.']);
= App\Models\Note {#7285
title: "Networking",
description: "I have no clue how SSL truly works.",
+updated_at: "2023-12-11 23:04:02",
+created_at: "2023-12-11 23:04:02",
+id: 5,
I can also generate sitemaps on startup too which is "dumb easy" (as the kids say) with the help of Spatie's Laravel sitemap library paired with another console command:
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use App\Models\BlogPost;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Spatie\Sitemap\SitemapGenerator;
use Spatie\Sitemap\Tags\Url;
class GenerateSitemap extends Command
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'app:generate-sitemap';
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Generates the sitemap.';
* Generates a sitemap for all the SEO goodness
public function handle(): void
/** @var string $url */
$url = config('app.url');
// Build the sitemap key that will ultimately live in the public directory
$publicPath = public_path();
$outputFile = "$publicPath/sitemap-index.xml";
// Grab a list of the slugs from the database so we can
// dynamically generate the different entries of the map
$slugs = BlogPost::select(['slug', 'updated_at'])->get();
$siteMap = SitemapGenerator::create($url)->getSitemap();
// Roll through each entry, mapping each to a sitemap entry with a low priority change value
->each(function (BlogPost $blogPost) use ($siteMap) {
$slug = $blogPost->slug;
->setLastModificationDate($blogPost->updated_at?->toDate() ?? now()));
// Finally, add the static pages as well
And in my Forge deployment script, I can simply add the custom artisan command to generate a new sitemap everytime I deploy:
# Other stuff...
if [ -f artisan ]; then
$FORGE_PHP artisan migrate --force
$FORGE_PHP artisan app:sync-content
$FORGE_PHP artisan app:generate-sitemap
Okay, so I know I'm somewhat dunking on JavaScript in this post, but truth be told... I still love JS. I've had jobs working with each of the Big Threetm frameworks in Angular, Vue, and React. I've begrudgingly been using React because I'm lazy and (what seems like) one of the few that enjoy JSX. With Inertia and React, that means I can use things like shad for getting that clean Tailwind look (there's also a Vue and Svelte versions I used in the previous iterations), and all the neat React things that are out in the wild. If it's on the web, there's probably a React library for it.
I'm a fan of pnpm as a drop in replacement for npm, and I've also decided to
ditch eslint and prettier for biome, another drop
in replacement for both tools, written in Rust (like all good tooling nowadays). I've had my fair share of battles over
the years with both eslint and prettier, and also getting them to play nice together (shout out
to eslint-config-prettier). While they're fundamentally different
things, i.e. formatting vs. linting, I think the argument could be made they're in the same family of code quality
tools. Biome neatly wraps them up into a single tool that just works. So now when I want to lint or format my React
components, no more .eslintrc.*
and .prettierrc.*
files to deal with, just a single biome.json
"$schema": "",
"organizeImports": {
"enabled": true
"formatter": {
"indentStyle": "space",
"indentWidth": 4
"linter": {
"enabled": true,
"rules": {
"recommended": true
Coupled with a neat biome command:
# When I want to format things
$ pnpm dlx @biomejs/biome format --write ./resources/js
# or, if I want to lint
$ pnpm dlx @biomejs/biome lint ./resources/js
Wrapping those up in my package.json
looks something like:
// Other stuff...
"scripts": {
"dev": "vite",
"build": "tsc && vite build && vite build --ssr",
"tailwind": "prettier --plugin prettier-plugin-tailwindcss --write ./resources/js",
"check": "pnpm dlx @biomejs/biome check --apply ./resources/js",
"fmt": "pnpm dlx @biomejs/biome format --write ./resources/js",
"fix": "pnpm dlx @biomejs/biome lint --apply ./resources/js",
"lint": "pnpm dlx @biomejs/biome lint ./resources/js",
"ci": "pnpm dlx @biomejs/biome ci ./resources/js",
"prepare": "git config core.hookspath .githooks",
"pre-commit": "pnpm run tailwind && pnpm run check && pnpm run fmt"
Now unfortunately, I'm not entirely free of prettier just yet, as there's still no support for Tailwind class sorting in biome. I only use prettier to simply wrangle Tailwind classes, then let biome do the rest.
Inertia has SSR too, which boils down to simply having to run an artisan
command on deployment to spin up your Node.js
server where ever it may be and point Laravel to it. With Forge, it's literally the flip of a switch.
One of the things I also needed was to display some common data on each page of my website, including on all the posts themselves. In the footer, you'll see a Spotify widget that displays what I'm currently listening to and the current build commit SHA the site was deployed with. With Inertia middleware, this was a simple addon to the existing configured middleware:
namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use App\Contracts\MusicTrackerContract;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Application;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Inertia\Middleware;
use Tightenco\Ziggy\Ziggy;
final class HandleInertiaRequests extends Middleware
* The root template that is loaded on the first page visit.
* @var string
protected $rootView = 'app';
public function __construct(private readonly MusicTrackerContract $spotifyTracker)
* Determine the current asset version.
public function version(Request $request): ?string
return parent::version($request);
* Define the props that are shared by default.
* @return array<string, mixed>
public function share(Request $request): array
return [
'ziggy' => fn () => [
...(new Ziggy)->toArray(),
'location' => $request->url(),
// Propagate the commit information on every request
'commit' => config('app.commit'),
// Also propagate the current listening data from Spotify
'spotify' => $this->spotifyTracker->getNowPlaying(),
'laravelVersion' => Application::VERSION,
'phpVersion' => PHP_VERSION,
and in my component footer:
export default function SpotifyTracker({
}: {
children: React.JSX.Element;
}): React.JSX.Element {
// Inertia has a pretty sweet hook allowing us to tap into common page properties
const page = usePage();
const nowPlaying = page.props.spotify as NowPlaying | undefined;
const currentlyPlaying = nowPlaying?.nowPlaying ?? false;
return (
{currentlyPlaying && nowPlaying !== undefined && (
<CurrentlyPlaying nowPlaying={nowPlaying}>
{!currentlyPlaying && (
with the corresponding PageProps
in index.d.ts
export type NowPlaying = {
nowPlaying: boolean;
albumImageSrc?: string;
artist?: string;
href?: string;
trackTitle?: string;
export type Note = {
title: string;
description: string;
export type PageProps<
T extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>,
> = T & {
commit: string;
laravelVersion: string;
phpVersion: string;
spotify?: NowPlaying;
notes: Note[];
Now any page returned from an Inertia rendered route has all the common data available as React props. Pretty sweet, huh?
For displaying the content of a blog post route, Laravel's route-model binding offered everything I needed to get up and
running. Simply defining a route in my web.php
like so:
Route::get('blog/{slug}', fn (string $slug, ContentRepositoryContract $contentRepository) => Inertia::render('Blog/Post/Index', [
'post' => $contentRepository->getBlogPostBySlug($slug),
passes everything the page needs to render to the component responsible for rending content:
import { Badge } from "@/Components/ui/badge";
import { Button } from "@/Components/ui/button";
import MainLayout from "@/Layouts/MainLayout";
import { type Post } from "@/models";
import { Head, Link } from "@inertiajs/react";
import * as React from "react";
export default function BlogPost({post}: { post: Post }): React.JSX.Element {
const formattedDate = new Date(
post.published_date ?? "",
).toLocaleDateString("en-us", {
year: "numeric",
month: "short",
day: "numeric",
return (
<Head title={`${post.title} |`}>
<meta name="keywords" content={post.keywords}/>
<div className="flex flex-col justify-center">
className="prose mx-auto w-full overflow-hidden pb-6 dark:prose-invert prose-pre:text-sm prose-img:mx-auto prose-img:rounded-md">
<h1 className="text-center text-2xl">{post.title}</h1>
<div className="flex flex-row items-center justify-center gap-x-2 text-sm tracking-tight">
<time dateTime={post.published_date}>
<p>{post.views} views</p>
alt={`${post.title} blog meme`}
// biome-ignore lint/security/noDangerouslySetInnerHtml: controlled input
__html: post.parsed_content,
<Link href={route("blogs")} className="mx-auto max-w-md">
<Button variant="secondary"> Back to blogs</Button>
A fairly simple component that ultimately takes the converted HTML content I've run through the nifty PHP League's
CommonMark library and spit out on the other side to dangerouslySetInnerHTML
within my React code.
Gathering the content is simple enough with the help of Eloquent too:
namespace App\Services;
use App\Contracts\ContentRepositoryContract;
use App\Models\BlogPost;
use DateInterval;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
use Override;
final readonly class BlogPostRepository implements ContentRepositoryContract
public function getBlogPostBySlug(string $slug): BlogPost
// We won't cache the blogs, easier to let the view counts ride
$post = BlogPost::select([
])->firstWhere('slug', $slug);
if (is_null($post)) {
// While we're at it, add a view count
// AddView::dispatch($post);
$post->views += 1;
return $post;
public function getLatestBlogPostMetadata(): Collection
/** @var Collection<int, BlogPost> $posts */
$posts = self::getBlogPostMetadata()
return $posts;
public function getBlogPostMetadata(): Collection
if (Cache::has('allPosts')) {
/** @var Collection<int, BlogPost> $allPosts */
$allPosts = Cache::get('allPosts');
return $allPosts;
/** @var Collection<int, BlogPost> $posts */
$posts = BlogPost::select([
Cache::set('allPosts', $posts, new DateInterval('PT5M'));
return $posts;
I'm not exactly a fan of the repository pattern on top of existing repository implementations - Eloquent is already a great implementation of the repository pattern. But... I like to keep my controllers/routes thin and also wanted to add a bit a caching here and there as the content itself won't change much from deployment to deployment.
Which brings me to my next talking point...
I'm a big fan of GitHub Actions, and while I could just trigger Forge deploys based on the latest push, it's easy enough to set up a simple action to ping the deployment URL to tell Forge to pull in my code and deploy the latest version of it to the droplet. I like to display the latest commit in the footer, so I also needed a way to propagate the git commit SHA as an environment variable. Unfortunately, Forge only has the SHA available at deployment time. Fortunately, it's easy enough to work around by pulling in the latest configuration for production via the Forge CLI, appending the SHA as an environment variable, and simply pushing it back up to Forge before the deployment script runs.
One caveat to this process is that we want the append process to only append if there's currently not a commit in
the .env
file, while replacing the existing commit key-value pair if it already exists. A quick script like the follow
should get the job done:
# Check if the correct number of arguments is provided
if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <arg1> <arg2>"
exit 1
# Assign arguments to variables
# Check if the key already exists in the file
if grep -q "^$key=" .env; then
# Replace the existing key-value pair
sed -i "s/^$key=.*/$key=$value/" .env
# Append the new key-value pair to the end of the file
echo "$key=$value" >> .env
We can then update our deploy workflow action to call this script, pass the key and SHA to it, and execute directly before updating the production configuration. All-in-all, this is what my deploy action looks like:
name: Deploy to Forge
workflows: [ 'Inertia CI' ]
- completed
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 10
name: Deploy application
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Setup PHP
id: setup-php
uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
php-version: '8.3'
- name: Install Forge CLI
run: composer global require laravel/forge-cli
- name: Authenticate with Forge
run: forge login --token=${{ secrets.FORGE_API_TOKEN }}
# Forge environment variables, including the current git commit hash,
# aren't included as runtime environment variables and only in the build script.
# To get the current commit propagated, pull the current production configuration,
# and append the current commit to the file and push it back up to Forge.
- name: Download current configuration
run: forge env:pull ${{ github.workspace }}/.env
- name: Add current commit and push back to forge
run: |
./scripts/ FORGE_DEPLOY_COMMIT ${{ github.sha }}
working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}
- name: Push environment to Forge
run: forge env:push ${{ github.workspace }}/.env
- name: Ping URL
run: curl -l ${{ secrets.FORGE_DEPLOY_URL }}
Setting a few environment variables, badda bing, badda boom, and everything works.
Alright, I promised to keep it short.
In the end, is Laravel probably overkill for my simple little website? Absolutely.
Is it fun to over-engineer such things, though? Ab-so-lutely.
I'm looking forward to seeing what else I can conjure up with Laravel to give myself a reason to explore all the various nooks and crannies of the framework as I'm not a full-time Laravel developer (yet...). All the code that powers my blog is available on GitHub here. I'm just beginning my Laravel journey and I'm well aware there's a ton more to learn, but nonetheless, I'm quite excited to keep at it.
TL;DR - Laravel is friggin' sweet.
Until next time, friends!